Jubilee Pilgrim Passports

From 3rd March, Pilgrims across the Diocese will be able to participate in the Jubilee Pilgrim Passport initiative.

In much the same way as the famous Camino de Santiago pilgrimage has a passport that can be stamped along the way, you can get a Jubilee Pilgrim Passport from your Parish to commemorate the Jubilee Year. When visiting the Cathedral and the 3 Shrines of Hope, you can have your Passport stamped as a memorial of your time there. A “complete” passport is one where you have visited the Cathedral and each of the Jubilee Shrines of Hope across the Diocese, and had your passport stamped at each. 

Upon completing your passport, you can receive the Jubilee Local Pilgrim of Hope Certificate, which together with your stamped Passport forms a momento of your participation in this Holy Year.

When you go to get your stamp

When you go to get your stamp: don’t forget all the wonderful graces that are available “the Treasury of the Church” in this Jubilee Year! God has entrusted the Church with the amazing gift of “Indulgences” – these gifts of grace are there waiting for us, but it is up to each one of us to actively receive them. Generally to obtain an indulgence, some form of sacrifice of our time and attention is required, but it is such a tiny sacrifice compared to the marvelous graces we receive. Even the grace of a “partial indulgence” (see “About Indulgences” to understand what this is) is so beneficial, so very worth a small gift of our time and attention to the God who loved us into being.

When you go to get your stamp, well… not to put too fine a point on it… don’t just go to get the stamp! Let that stamp be a memorial for you of the fact that you went and made a small offering of your time and attention to our Lord!

How do the Broken Bay Pilgrim Passports work?

Coming soon